Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snowmen at Night

I have a sick obsession love Pinterest! Thankfully I found this fun little craft just in time for January.  We have had the craziest weather lately and our kiddos have not been able to play outside for a few weeks now.  It was time to break up the rigor with a fun craft.  We have been working on descriptive words and this activity helped us to think of how we would describe our actions if we were snowmen.  I'll have to post the final products next week....I forgot to take pictures of the hallway display.  Trust me, they are adorable!

Thanks for checking this out!

Post-it Note Reading

This year has been like no other.  I am trying to navigate through all of the common core standards and welcome a new evaluation process from Marzano while completing my masters degree, teach, volunteer, raise a family, loving my husband, and not going crazy.  So unfortunately I took the month off from my blog.

Classroom stuff: 
Post-it Note lesson- This was a lesson that I did to help students remember to be thinking as they are reading.  We did our post-its during independent reading and then shared our thoughts during the Partner reading.  
I'm going to redo this chart to make it cute...already have it started.  I'll pin it when I do.

This was one of those lessons that made my day.  My Firsties did a great job with this and I love to hear them talk all about it!