Thursday, June 27, 2013

Common Core Posters for Math

Wow!  Many teachers in my district just finished up an intense power collaboration session to help with all of the new expectations coming in the fall.  The biggest one that we are all concerned with is the evaluation process and collecting student data.  Displaying student growth and tracking is huge, too.  Our teachers developed some rubrics and data books.  It all got my brain and creative juices flowing and I came up with these posters for each Common Core Math Standard for 1st grade.  Click here or on the picture to visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  :)   

I hope you like them and that you can find them useful in your classroom.  I'll be using this bad boys to shine up on my projector as we work through their data folders. 

Here is the freebie student data book that our team developed.  I got the go ahead to share this freebie.  :)

Click on the picture or here.  Don't forget to grab the cover!  Click here for the super fun cover.  :)

And now it is seriously time for some non-school related time.  :) 


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lessons Learned

Apparently I am getting to my little blog once a month...I have a feeling that I will be able to keep up with it better now that all of my stress is gone for the year. ;)  Right teachers?!  All I've been doing is sitting in the sun eating bon bons since my year ended.  Ummmmm, no.  While I have been in the sun a little, long enough to get a terrible uneven burn on my legs and one, yes one, arm, I have also been Pinterest'ing and "shopping" up a storm.  I am eager to start another year after this summer of projects and professional development workshops. 

This year I have learned so much, mostly about myself.  I could probably write a self help book.  I have been coaching myself and encouraging myself after some pretty heavy blows.  As curious as you all must be, I cannot disclose all that much simply because I want to remain in my family, workplace, church, and circle of friends.  So, with that said, I will tell you what I have learned (which is probably what every person learns, but we don't have Oprah to tell us these precious little nuggets  anymore so we must figure them out for ourselves-thanks Oprah, ugh!)  Here goes:
  • If you enjoy doing something and it isn't hurting others, then do it.  Especially if it is what God has gifted you to do.
  • When others are pointing out your flaws then they are intimidated by your success
  • Humble yourself at every opportunity and take credit for nothing, instead give it back to Pinterest, which is clearly where ALL ideas come from
  • SMILE every day as often as possible
  • Make learning fun.  Honestly, this is first grade in America-do a craft in every unit because these are 6 year olds and they need to be able to be 6!
  • Laugh with your students
  • Let your students see you upset, life is hard and if they see you process through and still come out smiling later in the day/week/year then that is healthy
  • Enjoy being you, God loves you so why can't you love you?!  Get a grip.
  • Sing because it is fun
  • Dance and be silly
  • Get organized at home and at school
  • Let the parents of your students help, they want to and you need as much help as you can get
  • Spend time with the Father and pray for your students & co-workers
  • It's OK to overdo things as long as you don't go crazy, and if you do then there are pills to help you out
  • Get a pedicure
  • Exercise then go order Dairy Queen, you deserve it.
  • Listen to your music loudly in your classroom: hip hop, worship, Adele, Bruno Mars, Jesus Culture, and the Civil Wars to name a few
  • DRINK Coffee a lot
I ended this year with a lot of emotions.  I decided to fill my life with positive influences and let go of the drama.  I learned to put up boundaries and not be so transparent.  This summer while I am looking for new ideas and "creating" some fun lessons with our new reading curriculum, I will be also working on ME so that I can be the best teacher for my precious little Firsties to be.  :o)

(Some AWESOME teachers with me in the middle wearing the ear wrap)