Saturday, February 2, 2013

Post-it Note Reading

This year has been like no other.  I am trying to navigate through all of the common core standards and welcome a new evaluation process from Marzano while completing my masters degree, teach, volunteer, raise a family, loving my husband, and not going crazy.  So unfortunately I took the month off from my blog.

Classroom stuff: 
Post-it Note lesson- This was a lesson that I did to help students remember to be thinking as they are reading.  We did our post-its during independent reading and then shared our thoughts during the Partner reading.  
I'm going to redo this chart to make it cute...already have it started.  I'll pin it when I do.

This was one of those lessons that made my day.  My Firsties did a great job with this and I love to hear them talk all about it!


  1. Hi Jill!
    You are one busy lady! Hope you're taking time for YOU, girl! And - hope you've entered my big giveaway! Just over an hour to go.
    Growing Firsties is giving away Erin Condren and lots more!

  2. I did, but didn't win....maybe next time. :)
