Friday, April 5, 2013

Long Lost Blogger

Wow, I have been gone for a very long time.  So much has happened in my life, both personally and professionally.  Exciting news-I graduated with my master's degree!  Whoo-hooo!!!  Unfortunately, there were many sad things that have happened which I will keep private, but I will share some pictures of the fun things that we have been up to in my classroom. 

One my my favorite things is to "look" into other teacher's classrooms via pictures to help inspire my own lessons.  So turn about is fair play.  I must brag a little, my Firsties are all reading at bench level (except 2 already identified).  This is the highest class of readers that I have ever had!  They are hard little workers.  :) 

Compound Words 

Dr. Seuss Day
(The First Grade Team knows how to have fun and be silly!)
 wAcKy Dress Day & Green Eggs n' Ham

Writing with a rubric

Thanks for checking in.  I am eager to get back to blogging!  I've really missed this and you all. 


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